The most pressing question on every player's mind as they begin a new season The Devil IV is what class and build they should play. I'm easy because I pick the same one almost every season. But sometimes, you want to change things up, try something new, and go all the way to the end game! So let's get things rolling for the Necromancer.
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The Bone Spear is one of the best Necromancer builds for Season 5. Devil 4. Strong, resilient, and capable of pushing The Pit and the Infernal Hordes. You will leave your friends behind!
Why should you play Necromancer in Season 5?
The Necromancer isn't the strongest class in Season 5, with that praise going to the Rogue and Sorcerer this time around. However, the Necromancer remains one of the most effective and viable classes for advancing endgame content Devil 4despite its many nerfs and changes to its Uniques.
Most people will choose the Necromancer for two reasons: aesthetics and minions. While a minion build is still viable—and one of the strongest structures at the moment—Bone Spear proves to be a powerful, active playstyle that feels satisfying.
Best Active Skills for Necromancer

For Season 5, we’ll be focusing on building a Bone Necromancer, using the Bone Spear to deal a lot of damage, especially to Vulnerable enemies. You’ll notice that many of the Active Skill upgrades cause Vulnerability, allowing our build to deal additional damage. It’s all about synergy!
Bone Fracture
- Our Basic Skill, Bone Shards, is our main Essence generator. It's a fast-hitting basic attack that aims to damage your standard mobs while building our Essence pool so we can use Bone Spear. Initiate has the added benefit of being Vulnerable with Bone Shards.
Bone Spear
- Our Core Skill, Bone Spear, is the foundation of the entire build. It is our main damaging attack, but requires a constant flow of Essence from Bone Shards to use. With various upgrades such as Enhanced Bone Spear and Supernatural Bone Spear, we can deal additional damage with each use.
Prison of Bones
- You don't need to max out Bone Prison to reap its benefits; a single point will do. But what you really want is the Enhanced Bone Prison upgrade, which grants Vulnerability to enemies in its radius.
Bone Spirit
- With our Essence pool increased by passives, Bone Spirit allows us to spend the entire pool for a single-target, high-damage attack that is ideal for Elites and Boss enemies.
Bone Storm
- Finally, our Ultimate is Bone Storm. It summons a massive bone storm that swirls around you and deals significant damage over a short period of time. Perfect for clearing out mobs and starting a Boss fight.
Passive Skills for Necromancer

You can put as many Skill Points into your Passives as you want, but they synergy well with this build when combined with your Active Skills.
Inanimate Energy
- Unliving Energy provides a larger Essence pool to draw from to allow us to use Bone Spear more often, and also synergizes with Ossified Essence to deal additional damage.
Imperfect Balance
- We'll want the additional Essence provided by Dead Energy because Imperfect Balance increases the total cost of our Basic Skills like Bone Spear, but provides additional damage in return.
Embrace of Death
- The Necromancer is a mage and as such tends towards ranged attacks, while most enemies will close the distance. Death's Embrace allows us to deal more damage to close enemies while also taking less damage from them.
The Approach of Death
- When we need to create space between a boss or a mob, Death's Approach helps by increasing our overall movement speed. It's a simple Passive that increases survivability and allows us to clear faster and more effectively.
- The gear increases our Critical Strike Chance for every 30 Essence we spend, and this synergizes with Bone Spear, which draws from our Essence pool, our Core Skill.
Compaund fracture
- Synergizing with Serration, Compound Fracture makes our Bone skills deal additional damage after Critical Strikes, further strengthening the entire build.
Rapid ossification
- When you're popping Bone Spear, you'll be spending your Essence frequently. To make up for the empty pool, Rapid Ossification reduces the Cooldown of your Bone Skills every time you spend 100 Essence.
- Since most of your previous Active Skills cause Vulnerability, Evilsion pairs well with the rest of the build to deal additional Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Ossified Essence
- Our Main Passive for this build is Ossified Essence, which grants bonus damage for every point of Essence you hold above 50. Since you’ll be spending a lot of time using Bone Crushers, you should always have plenty of Essence.
How do you level your Necromancer in Season 5?
While you may find yourself immediately tempted to dive into the brand new seasonal content, it's better to level up your Necromancer in Helltides to unlock the Infernal Armies by following the story. They're much more effective.
A single Helltide lasts 55 minutes and will see you level up from 1 to 20. After that, of course, leveling slows down a bit. But between Helltides, unlocking Tortured Gifts, and the Tree of Whispers, you'll be leveling up to 100 in a matter of days!
Playing as a Necromancer isn't for everyone, as minions allow for a more passive playstyle, but it's a strong class with a lot of potential. I hope this Bone Spear build comes in handy in Sanctuary!