James Gunn's DCU reboot doesn't start until: Superman It's coming in 2025, but he said that filming has already been completed, giving the teams involved as much time as possible to perfect its finished look and, in particular, the quality of the VFX. The director's comments were in response to growing concerns about the terrible special effects in blockbusters as CGI artists come to a breaking point.
“That's why we finished Superman “A year before release and why they work hard on a lot of scenes months in advance,” Gunn wrote on Threads on August 18. “That's why we start editing heavily during filming. That's why I prepare so hard and why we only shoot finished scripts. And Super Girl“What I don't direct is treated the same way. I can't praise the VFX artists enough for helping us create the magic.”
The Guardians of the Galaxy And Suicide Squad The writer and director has been tapped by Warner Bros. to reboot the big-screen DC universe in 2022, and Superman: LegacyIt is the first project of this initiative, which will be released on July 11, 2025. The first image released from this film, “shot on set and entirely in camera by Jess Miglio,” showed the title hero getting dressed in an apartment while a giant purple laser was fired in the background. raised all kinds of questions Some fans have commented on the film's look and art direction, and leaked photos from July continued to sow skepticism.
The recent craze for big-budget blockbusters in theaters and new content on streaming platforms has led to an over-reliance on green screens and post-production effects. Extending VFX houses too muchalso it just looks awful. there was no better proof of that than last year FlashThe last gasps of the pre-Gunn DCU sometimes looks comically badSome fans got carried away by the effects because they looked like they were taken from a mid-budget video game.
“If you do a little digging, you’ll see that my films always take a different approach and that I always give my VFX artist-collaborators the time and respect they deserve to do their jobs properly,” Gunn wrote over the weekend. “And the quality of the VFX on these films is uniformly fantastic thanks to that (and the incredible talent of my friends at Weta, Framestore, ILM, and more).”