Six years later, Shonen Jump's hugely popular wizard-fighting manga, Jujutsu Kaisenwill air its final episode on September 30. It has been nominated for (and won) several literary awards since its syndication debut, and both seasons of the anime series won Crunchyroll's Anime of the Year award. But as a weekly reader, my “remembrance” note for the manga is that it hasn't been very good for a while, and the end couldn't come soon enough.
First of all, I am a Jujutsu Kaisen Hater; I'm much worse. I was a huge anime fan and read the manga beforehand. And who can blame me? The first season introduced a magic system that was waiting to be explored, the ensemble cast was captivating, and production studio Mappa's action scenes were delivered flawlessly. While the first half of season 2 undoubtedly had the strongest writing of the series, the second half is marred by a barely-there story and shocking character deaths that don't serve as connective tissue for the loud action scenes. Like Jimmy Fallon and real laughs, the story never really comes togetherIf there is anything, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 is a dud show that does great damage to the foundation of the first season.
If season 2's Shibuya Incident story was the wheels coming off the bus, so is the anime's upcoming Culling Game death tournament. Jujutsu Kaisen speeding down the street on tire belts instead of tires. Knowing that his manga will end in just five more chapters is more of a mercy than a lament for readers.
Read more: Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 Will Launch a Bloody Tournament Story
Reading experience Jujutsu Kaisen started out as the first Shonen Jump manga to be updated weekly, but I eagerly dove into it before moving on to the manga I saved for last because I got tired of its monotony. It has come to a point where reading is over Jujutsu Kaisen It was likened to reading Rent a Girlfriend'S fast-paced trash romantic nonsense that goes nowhere—a misfortune I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Manga spoilers for those who only watch the anime, here's the problem: Jujutsu Kaisen's manga is as follows:
- Hard to follow action scenes
- Mid-fight breakdowns Bleach To embarrass
- An extremely complex magic system that rearranges itself every week.
- Shocking character deaths and weaponized postpartum memories
Each chapter was like opening an SAT prep notebook on power systems to keep track Jujutsu KaisenExposition-heavy battles that improvise and change how attacks and counterattacks work each week. Instead of engaging with the manga's kaleidoscope of revelations, I routinely threw my hands up in irritation at every intricate plot development and said, “Sure, whatever.”
First of all, good will Jujutsu Kaisen's action Its fan base is largely due to the heavy lifting of Mappa’s overworked animation department, which conveys movement with clarity, weight and flawless imagery.Despite the collapse in production, the animators persevered to make it happen. The manga's depiction of action, on the other hand, is uneven at best. While many of its two-page spreads are outstanding, much of the action choreography had me squinting as I tried to make sense of the barely legible anatomy of the fight scenes. This is further evidenced by the manga's all-seeing final battle(s). And Everything that happened to the aforementioned villain ended with him saying “No” to escape from insurmountable difficulties.
Different My Hero AcademiaThe manga, which concluded a month ago with a handy epilogue that ties together most of the loose threads of its narrative, Jujutsu Kaisen’s conclusion in just five episodes almost guarantees a rushed conclusion to a story that, to be honest, didn’t really feel like it happened in the first place. Jujutsu Kaisen’s ineffective story is nothing more than a vehicle used to transport viewers to the next fight scene.
All this suggests that with Mappa turning the story around, there is still hope that season 3 won’t be as monotonous as the manga version. Attack on Titan's controversial finaleBut if things continue like this, five episodes won't be enough to change the subject. Jujutsu Kaisen a manga with emotionally resonant, fully realized characters. But it would still make good AMV fight scene material for TikTok out of context, if that's any consolation.