Star wars Outlaws, Massive Entertainment's open world Star wars The game is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S this August. The game doesn't follow the Jedi or deal with The Force, but instead gives us a look at the darker side of life. Star wars It follows smuggler and con artist Kay Vess as she tries to pull off one last job, and allows players to explore an open world spanning multiple planets.
For the first time we got a proper open world game Star wars game, so people are naturally very excited. Let's take a look at everything we know about the next journey to a galaxy far, far away.
Why Star Wars Outlaws about?
Ubisoft's view Star wars new hero Kay Vess and her sexy robot friend ND-5are thieves, mercenaries, and con artists trying to survive as the empire's power grows. But one of their jobs puts him in the empire's line of fire, leading him and his Merqaal friend Nix to attempt a score that Ubisoft has overdone. “One of the biggest heists the Outer Rim has ever seen” to secure their freedom.
When? Outlaws located in Star wars timeline?
Outlaws set between years The Empire Returns And Return of the Jedi. This is the height of the Empire's reign, and that's why Kay is constantly on the run. Her illegal activities have caught the Empire's attention, and Luke Skywalker and his friends have yet to defeat them. According to Narrative Director Navid Khavari, the team to explore the impact at ground level Star wars' Intergalactic conflicts.
“We always knew we wanted to create an original villain story” Khavari It has been said Kotaku“It was exciting to look at [this universe] From the perspective of a scoundrel like Kay, who has no experience with the Empire, Jedi, Rebellion, or Sith.”
How to play?
Star Wars: Outlaws It feels like a Ubisoft game in more ways than one. Yes, it has the company's signature open-world structure, but it also has stealth-action elements like stealth, parkour, and stealth attacks. Assassin's Creed series. There's also some cover elements and hand-to-hand combat, and you can manipulate the environment by having Nix hit switches and pick up items on the battlefield.
In addition to foot combat, Outlaws There's vehicular combat too; last year's Ubisoft Forward showed Kay firing her gun while on a speeder bike, slowing down time to line up her shots.

Kay's blaster appears to have different settings and modifications that change its functionality. Those seen in the demo include a stun mode and a “focused” mode that works better on certain enemies or obstacles. The focused setting helps put pressure on shielded enemies, allowing Kay to get in close for a melee finisher.
The wanted system
Part of being a wanted criminal is running away. Star Wars Outlaws has a similar reputation and desired system Grand Theft Automeaning if you're caught committing a crime, you could find yourself on the wrong end of an Imperial blaster. Your reputation with different factions will affect how easily you can access certain areas, so while you're bound to make some enemies as you traverse space, it's important to keep in mind who hates you the least as you travel.
That's all great and well, but what about space travel?
Kay's adventure spans the galaxy and she can fly around the galaxy in her Trailblazer starship. She can fly to different locations in space and engage in some space battles against Imperial forces. You can also go to light speed while in space to escape Imperial forces and cool down your wanted meter.
There are dialogue choices, but no branching threads
As seen in the promotional video, Star Wars Outlaws It provides dialogue options that allow you to color the lines that represent who Kay is. In the example shown, Kay is deciding whether to bribe an Imperial servant. According to Massive, These choices will not lead to a branching storybut it will allow you to add some tone to Kay's personality and intrigue.

Outlaws will contain more than one planet Star wars' long story
During Star Wars Outlaws takes place in the window of the original trilogy, Kay will visit planets from multiple periods of the series' history. We've seen Kijimi before, a planet introduced The Rise of Skywalker, and what looks like the gambling city of Canto Blight The Last JediWe haven't seen anything that stems from the prequels, but there do seem to be references to their events with some peripheral elements like pod racers.
Star Wars Outlaws Post-launch content
Ubisoft confirmed this Star Wars Outlaws It will feature post-launch content, plus two different story packs that can be purchased separately, and will also be included in the season pass that offers extra cosmetics. In other words, if you're not too concerned with cosmetics and just want the DLC, you may want to skip the season pass.
In the fall of 2024, Outlaws will take Wild Card Downloadable content. The explanation is as follows::
“Kay is recruited to infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, but when she crosses paths with notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, she soon learns there's another game being played.”
In the spring of 2025, Clone Wars Fan favorite Hondo Ohnaka will join the game as part of the cast A Pirate's Fortune story DLC. “He intends to settle old scores with a ruthless pirate gang.”
Star Wars Outlaws release date
Star Wars Outlaws It will be released on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC on August 30, 2024.