We've all been there. You play your favorite Mario Kartcruising to a first-place victory after an easy race, when one little thing goes wrong and you're suddenly staring down the barrel of a humiliating finish. This is Ride Mario Karta term immortalised a decade ago and perfectly captured again like lightning in a bottle earlier this month.
“This was my first time running the bridge route in the Yoshi valley because I saw a few world record runs using this route and I thought it would be the fastest,” Kyl said. A fashion student in LondonIt has been said Kotaku in a recent conversation. “I didn't think I could actually replicate the iconic DK mountain clip.”
In 2014, the YouTube channel HowBoutGaming published the now infamous “Get Mario Kart.” Daisy crosses the final bridge on DK Mountain and heads for first place. Mario Kart Wii when he was hit with items he received from the blue shell and other competitors while racing and ended up being pushed off the edge of the bridge several times. It currently has over 5 million views.
The “Mario Karted” meme was born, with players clip sharing similar disasters Over the years since thenBecause the game tries to give more powerful items to those near the end, and they hold onto these items until the AI-controlled opponents get close to you. So making a mistake towards the end of the race, when everyone is still after you, can always end in disaster.
But Kyl was completely devastated when competing against humans online Mario Kart 8 Deluxe“I never thought Peachette would be such a lightweight character,” he said. “This is the first time I've played her since she came out in the DLC expansion.” Unlike the famous DK Mountain video, most of Kyl's falls were from being knocked off a bridge by heavier characters. He was playing with random combiner a tool that chooses your card loadout for you, creating one of the lightest characters in one of the smallest vehicles.
“The match took place while I was watching the Olympics closing ceremony because it was so boring,” he said. “When I'm playing with my friends I usually deliberately ride Mario Kart. But when I'm playing online it was deadly. I mean there were times when I was the blue shell first before the finish line but this was brutal. I've never played it before Mario Kart “Since that game.”
Kyle did it upload the clip to Reddit, butwhere it quickly went viral, slingshotting across Twitter and other social media. “This is all because you wanted to cross a bridge,” one commenter replied. Another was more helpful. “If you don’t go to the bridge in the future because of this, which I don’t recommend since it’s the fastest way, you should turn right next to the bridge,” they wrote. “6th place isn’t bad considering what happened to you on the bridge. I’ve never seen someone pull a combo like that before.”
My favorite thing in the clip Mario Kart 8 Deluxe It's a way of showing how the game has changed over the last decade. The original Mario Karted video shows a screen wipe when Daisy is pulled back onto the track after falling off a cliff. Nintendo is much more generous now, with Lakitu (a cloud-shooting Koopa Troopa) almost instantly fishing players off a cliff. If anything, it makes the latest Mario Karted clip even funnier. I can't wait to see how Nintendo handles this unique form of humiliation Mario Kart 9.