We humans generally enjoy joining tribes, so this shouldn't be surprising early on. Final Fantasy XIV, The MMO will ask you to choose a team, or Grand Company as they are called. This may seem like a big deal considering the long series of cutscenes that introduce these factions, and you may be wondering: what are they and what do they do? This guide will explain all this and more!
What are Big Companies?
Big Companies FFXIVs version of the factions. Each of the three starting cities has its own Company: Maelstrom in Limsa Lominsa, Twin Adder in Gridania, and Immortal Flames in Ul'dah. These are first introduced during the main quest “A Hero in the Making”, which requires you to visit a memorial in one of the game's three main hubs. During these events, you'll meet the leader of each company and learn what the group stands for. Here's a brief summary of each:
Being based in the wet-sided Limsa Lominsa, the Maelstrom effectively acts as its Navy. However, given the city-state's long history of piracy, it still has a bit of a sword-rattling attitude. Although it has a bit more structure due to its leader, Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn (not a typo), he has forbidden the action.
Cult of the Twin Vipers
The Grand Company of Gridania, the Order of the Twin Vipers, was created to protect this region. Appropriately, they share a similar aura to the nature aesthetic found in this region, encouraged by their worship of Nophica, the goddess of abundance. They are led by Kan-E-Senna.
Immortal Flames
The Immortal Flames are based in Ul'dah after Raubahn Aldynn founded the organization using his vast gladiator earnings. As such, they are inspired by Ul'dah's popular industry and are known for their willingness to fight.

When Should I Choose a Large Company?
After reporting to Minfilia to turn in your “Hero Creation,” you'll notice that representatives from each Great Company have a Main Quest Sign above their heads. The person you speak to will be the Company you'll eventually join, and they'll then provide a unique version of the same quest called “The Company You Keep.” Only one of these can be taken on per playthrough, but you shouldn't feel like you're missing out on any critical content – the quests are broadly the same, albeit with some minor differences.
When it comes to choosing your Grand Company, it may seem like an important decision, but it actually has very little impact on the game. The best choice is the one that resonates with you the most during the ceremony in question. If they're all forgettable, pick one that has an aesthetic or attitude you like.
The biggest impact that Major Companies have on the game is that they determine the types of cosmetics and items you can get. These usually have a similar style and color palette to the Company, so there’s no harm in using that as a deciding factor! And don’t worry if you’re reconsidering your decision, because you can change this later in the game once you’re an officer in your first choice.
If you are one of the few who invest heavily FFXIV'In PVPThe Major Company you choose has a bit more importance. There's a mode called Frontlines, where you join a battle between three Major Companies over a piece of land. Because of this premise, you can only team up with other players in your company, so if you have friends who joined a different company and are interested in PVP, it's probably a good idea to join the same faction.
So What Do Companies Actually Do?
If you are someone who plays FFXIV for the main storyline entirely, you can largely ignore them once you've completed the quest that lets you join the Grand Companies. It's worth checking out once you've joined, as an early quest they offer How to get Chocobobut other than that, your choice isn't really brought up after the first mission. The rewards and plot of the Main Story will be the same no matter which Company you join. However, GCs play a large role in some of the game's side content, including FATEs, Hunts, and PVP.

How to Earn Your Company's Seals
Each Major Company has its own currency called Seals. These can be obtained by completing different tasks, including those listed above. One of the most effective ways to farm this resource is to participate in FATEsare occasional events that occur in the game world. You've probably participated in one or two of them unintentionally, as they're quite common. They're identifiable on the map by a large purple circle or monster icon, and they usually task players in an area with defeating a certain number of creatures in that circle. You'll need to sync your levels before you can participate, so make sure to select that option on the right side of the screen if you're interested.
Once you do this, the screen will flash “FATE JOINED” and you will see a progress bar for that specific FATE. Once you complete this, you will receive Seals! You can also collect Seals by turning in the equipment, items, materials, and other loot you have obtained to your Grand Company.
Seals can be spent on different items from the Company store, ranging from consumables to armor and everything in between, but they can also be used to rank up your Company. A higher rank increases the items available for purchase, so it's worth spending your first Seals on this to get your hands on the good stuff!

Except for their first mission, Major Corporations are a completely optional component Final Fantasy XIV. If you participate in this component of the game, seals can be used to obtain some great rewards and privileges, but given the wealth of content Final Fantasy XIV if it has something to offer, you'll probably find another aspect more appealing. The best advice is to treat it like a sports team. Represent your company when given the opportunity, maybe catch a FATE if you come across one, but it's perfectly understandable not to interact with them in any way. Just like real sports.